Successful Qr Code Marketing Campaigns A List Of 19 Campaigns

In 2013, singapore’s largest shopping mall used a qr code to engage visitors and increase their facebook fan-page following. during ‘the great singapore sale’ mascots named vivocity codey’s were dressed up as qr codesand they encouraged visitors to scan haarcoloration them. scanning the qr code, took visitors to a contest page where they could win prizes. they had to ‘like’ the mall’s facebook page. the vivocity codey’s saw 8,618 scans and the mall managed to increase their facebook likes by 4,400. Professionelle haar-coloration für zu hause. • schritt 1: vorbehandlung und schutz. die vorbehandlung bildet eine schutzschicht, die verhindert, dass ihr haar porös wird und wirkt ausgleichend, um eine gleichmäßige farbverteilung zu gewährleisten.. • schritt 2: perfektion. verleiht dem haar eine schöne, natürlich aussehende farbe, die wochenlang hält.. • schritt 3: pflege. die.
Korres Haarcoloration Korres Organl Hochentwickelte
Sorgt für schöne, natürliche farbe. spezialformel nur für natürlich dunkles haarcoloration haar. verwenden sie dieses produkt nicht, wenn sie ihr haar schwarz oder dunkelbraun gefärbt haben, es stark gesträhnt oder überwiegend grau ist. lieferumfang: vorbehandlung (15 ml), entwicklerlotion (70 ml), colorationscreme (48 ml), nachbehandlung (20 ml) und handschuhe. In 2011, mountain dew, collaborated with taco bell for a campaign that allowed guests to scan and download music for free via greenlabeldownload website, a mountain dew and taco bell branded music download center. the campaign got 197,106 scans. 10. kellogg’s crunchy nut cereal promotion, 2011. in 2011, kellogg’s partnered with a mobile technology company augume and organized a qr code campaign to increase promotion and engagement of the product via mobile. kellogg’s placed a qr code on the back of the crunchy nut cereal box with the slogan “it’s morning somewhere“. scanning the qr code, directed people to a short video. With the novel coronavirus wreaking havoc, qr code powered solutions have come to our rescue. china has used qr codes as a way to filter visitors at checkpoints. singapore is using qr codes to ensure contatcless visitor entry and to facilitate community-driven contact tracing. across the globe, qr codes are being used in contactless delivery,
2. gm’s south by southwest event, 2010. in 2010, general motors, while showcasing it’s two new vehicle models the electric and the volt, placed 15 unique qr codes on the body of the two cars. Here are some examples of how top cosmetics companies across the world are using qr codes: 1. l’oréal paris. l’oréal paris, one of the top most cosmetics companies, is using qr codes in print advertisements. Here are some examples of how top cosmetics companies across the world are using qr codes: 1. l’oréal paris. l’oréal paris, one of the top most cosmetics companies, is using qr codes in print advertisements. the main purpose is to keep the product information transparent.
In 2011, kellogg’s partnered with a mobile technology company augume and organized a qr code campaign to increase promotion and engagement of the product via mobile. kellogg’s placed a qr code on the back of the crunchy nut cereal box with the slogan “it’s morning somewhere“. scanning the qr code, directed people to a short video (amongst 13) depending on the time of the day. as reported by kellogg’s, the campaign generated 40,000 scans, 38,000 videos played, and 50,000 page views. Vorgemischte dauerhafte haarcoloration die für leuchtende farbe und strahlenden glanz sorgt. eine kollektion von modernen nuancen, mit 100% deckkraft für haar mit einem weißanteil von über 50%. hinweis: die farbe der abbildung variiert je nach bildschirmoder browser-einstellung und ist daher nicht farbverbindlich. In 2012, l’oreal placed a qr code in each new york city taxiduring new york fashion week. this allowed people to browse and shop l’oreal products while riding a taxi. this five-day qr code campaign had a 7% conversion rate and increased l’oreal app downloads by 80%.
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Mar 28, 2019 · haare färben in eigenregie kein problem, wenn ihr dabei ein paar grundsätze beachtet! welche coloration soll ich wählen? woran erkenne ich, ob das produkt für mich geeignet ist? wie trage. See full list on scanova. io. Share price l'oréal shares were introduced on the paris stock market on 8 october 1963 and are now listed on euronext haarcoloration (compartment a).
In 2011, automobile manufacturer nissan added a qr code stickeron every window of the 2012 lineup vehicles to provide information about the vehicle and its accessories, image gallery, product review videos, incentive offers, dealer inventory, request a quote capability, dealer location support, and mailing list request. In 2011, the popular american food chain chili’s ran a fundraising campaignfor st. jude’s hospital. each campaign material had a qr code to prompt the guests to donate money for the cause. furthermore, guests rewarded with free appetizers if they forwarded an opt-in email to their friends and family. during the campaign, chili’s got 291,000 scans and collected usd 5 million in donation. The ingredients of korres haarcoloration korres organöl hochentwickelte coloration are listed in alphabetical order now. for members they are listed in the same order as given by the manufacturer of this cosmetic product.
See full list on basler-beauty. de. Der hersteller von haarpflege, haarcoloration und haarstyling produkten informiert über produkte, neuheiten, haarberatungsservice, events und beautythemen. [d-64347 griesheim]. Dank des patentierten colorclic-systems ist garnier movida ganz einfach anzuwenden und lässt sich so leicht auftragen wie ein shampoo. die schmelzende pflegekur mit aprikosenmilch macht ihr haar weich und seidig und sorgt für eine noch strahlendere farbe. die intensivtönung nr. 1 der perfekte einstieg in die haarcoloration. ". In 2010, national entertainment company entered into a sponsorship agreement with national fast food chain and hired sir speedy to promote a concert and sell its tickets. sir speedy placed qr codes on approx. 100,000 soda cups at a local outlet of national fast food. scanning the qr code prompted guests to download the restaurant’s app, view concert timings, read about the band, and purchase tickets. in the first release, the qr codes received ~1,000 scans. the campaign also raised the number of app downloads of the restaurant chain and helped spread word of the concert.
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